IDM 6.12 Final Build 20
tapi sekarang yang saya posting update nya yaitu build 24 .jadi bagi sobat pecinta download silakan diupdate,ga apa-apalah sering update yang penting kegiatan downloadnya lancar dan cepat,lagian ukuran IDM ga besar.Version 6.14 Final is available (Dec/12/2012)
What's new in version 6.12 Build 24?
- Added support for latest youtube changes. Now IDM download panel
allows the choice of video resolution again
What's new in version 6.12 Build 23?
- Fixed a critical bug in IE integration module
- Improved Chrome and Opera integratio
What's new in version 6.12 Build 20?
- Fixed a bug in Chrome integration module. After IDM update,
you will need to restart Google Chrome.
What's new in version 6.12 Build 19?
- Fixed a critical bug
What's new in version 6.12 Build 18?
- Fixed bugs when downloading youtube videos in Chrome browser
- Fixed an erroneous interception of video from web-players in Google Chrome
browser. After IDM update, you will need to RESTART Google Chrome and
agree with the installation of "IDM Integration" extension for
Google Chrome.
What's new in version 6.12 Build 15?
- Added support for Firefox 17
- Added support for Seamonkey 2.12 and 2.13
- Fixed bugs
What's new in version 6.12 Builds 1-12?
- Added support for Firefox 16
- Improved youtube video downloading
- Added a feature to set file creation date as provided
by the server (IDM Options->Save To)
- Fixed an erroneous interception of attendant content of
web pages in Chrome
- Added the possibility to translate text for IDM installer and IDM uninstaller
- Redeveloped file integrity verification during resume
- Improved resume capability after power outages
- Redeveloped IDM integration into IE
- Optimized IE integration module and improved its speed performance
- Added support of IDM download panel to Google Frame installed into IE
- Improved integration into IE based browsers like AOL, MSN, etc.
- Added support for SeaMonkey 2.10
- Added support for new version of Adobe Flash Player
- Improved support of several web players
- Made a workaround for bugs in a new Outpost firewall
- Fixed bugs
What's new in version 6.11 Build 8?
- Added support for Firefox 15
What's new in version 6.11 Build 7?
- Fixed a bug in integration module for IE
- Added support for Firefox 14
- Added support for SeaMonkey 2.9
What's new in version 6.11 Build 5?
- Improved IDM categories. Added a feature to create categories
for specific sites
- Fixed false interception of web ads
- Improved HTML5 video detection in IE 9 & 10 on youtube
- Improved Youtube video downloading from Google Chrome
- Added support for Firefox 13, SeaMonkey 2.8, SlimBrowser
and Epic Browser
- Added Socks traffic monitoring for Google Chrome & Opera
- Added compatibility with address hiding programs
Link Download(indowebster)
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